BackupPC Docker-Compose

BackupPC ist eine freie Disk-zu-Disk Backup-Suite mit einem webbasierten Frontend. Es ist kein spezieller Client notwendig, da der Server selbst unterschiedliche Protokolle unterstützt.

Optional für Email Benachrichtigung, Beispiel für Gmail

# Set default values for all following accounts.

# Use the mail submission port 587 instead of the SMTP port 25.
port 587

# Always use TLS.
tls on
tls_starttls on

# Set a list of trusted CAs for TLS. The default is to use system settings, but
# you can select your own file.
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

# If you select your own file, you should also use the tls_crl_file command to
# check for revoked certificates, but unfortunately getting revocation lists and
# keeping them up to date is not straightforward.
#tls_crl_file ~/.tls-crls
# Name for your Account
account gmail

# Host name of the SMTP server
# TODO: Use the host of your own mail account

# As an alternative to tls_trust_file/tls_crl_file, you can use tls_fingerprint
# to pin a single certificate. You have to update the fingerprint when the
# server certificate changes, but an attacker cannot trick you into accepting
# a fraudulent certificate. Get the fingerprint with
# $ msmtp --serverinfo --tls --tls-certcheck=off --host=smtp.freemail.example
#tls_fingerprint 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:00:11:22:33
# Envelope-from address
# TODO: Use your own mail address

# set Authentication on
auth on

# TODO: Use your own user name fpr the mail account

# Password method 1: Add the password to the system keyring, and let msmtp get
# it automatically. To set the keyring password using Gnome's libsecret:
# $ secret-tool store --label=msmtp \
#   host smtp.freemail.example \
#   service smtp \
#   user joe.smith
# Password method 2: Store the password in an encrypted file, and tell msmtp
# which command to use to decrypt it. This is usually used with GnuPG, as in
# this example. Usually gpg-agent will ask once for the decryption password.
#passwordeval gpg2 --no-tty -q -d ~/.msmtp-password.gpg
# Password method 3: Store the password directly in this file. Usually it is not
# a good idea to store passwords in plain text files. If you do it anyway, at
# least make sure that this file can only be read by yourself.
# TODO: Use the password of your own mail account
password dein-gmail-app-passwort

# Set a default account
# TODO: Use your own mail address
account default : gmail

# Map local users to mail addresses (for crontab)
#aliases /etc/aliases

logfile /home/backuppc/msmtp.log

das Netzwerk docker_subnet muss angelegt sein oder an eigene Umgebung angepasst werden, oder die Zeilen Networks entfernen für Default

Volume ist ein Host bind


    container_name: BackupPC
    hostname: bpc
    image: 'adferrand/backuppc:latest'
    restart: always
      TZ: Europe/Berlin
      BACKUPPC_WEB_USER: backuppc
      BACKUPPC_WEB_PASSWD: passwort
      - '8080:8080'
      - /mnt/backuppc/data:/data/backuppc
      - /mnt/backuppc/etc:/etc/backuppc
      - /mnt/backuppc/home:/home/backuppc
      - /mnt/backuppc/home/.msmtprc:/etc/msmtprc
      - /mnt/backuppc/logs:/var/log

    external: true